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Off Season Training

Athletics Performance Program

Really excited to start our 5th year of our preseason strength and conditioning program. This year we will be working out at Millard North High School on the track until our indoor facility is completed next year.

Each year we have had really good results will all the kids that participated in this program, injuries were down and PR's were up. With only 3 weeks of outdoor practice before our first meet it is hard to get the proper strength and flexibility work in without taking away from the actual running, jumping and throwing work that is so important.  

The program will address speed and power through plyometrics and body weight exercises.  We will also work on core strength, flexibility and coordination, something all of our athletes need.  All of these combined will help to reduce injuries during the season and improve our overall performances.

We will meet on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturday, check calendar for exact dates and times.  We will be starting September 16 and running through November 2.  Please see Calendar for exact times and dates.